Crackin’ eggs and takin’ names!

We’re going primal (aka paleo) in our house and LOOOOVING IT!  We’ve jumped right into “The Practical Plaeo” as well as “The Bulletproof Executive” and could not be happier about food and the positive influence this way of eating has had on us.  How does loosing 7 lbs of fat sound?!   Let me tell you, it feels amazing and I credit it ALL to going primal.

Now if eggs aren’t your thing you may need a little warming up to eat this way.  I sure wasn’t, and some days still not, a huge fan of eggs.  I’ve been playing around and found some good egg eatin’ to satisfy my household.  Here’s the secret mama’s or designated chef of the house, the eggs gotta be from free range birds who eat a natural chicken diet (worms, bugs, scraps, grass etc).  Think chickens happily pecking the ground out in the open air.  Why?  A healthy, happy chicken eating the way nature intended lends its self to healthier eggs and as well as happier & healthier moms, dads n’ babes who eat the eggs.

Here’s a delicious recipe I use often.  It makes enough grub for the three of us for three mornings.  I highly recommend cooking in bulk it’s a “mom protocol” that’s helped keep our mornings flowing well with full bellies;)  Go eat!
